Calcaneus Osteotomy

One of the most common osteotomies in hindfoot surgery is the calcaneus osteotomy. It is a cut made in the calcaneus bone to correct the axis of the hindfoot in order to restore an anatomical situation. It is part of the surgical correction of the decompensated flat foot (medialization osteotomy) and of the decompensated hollow foot (lateralization osteotomy). In both cases, the calcaneus osteotomy corrects a valgus axis ("X") or a varus axis ("O") of the hindfoot. It is often associated with other gestures such as arthrodesis or tendon transfer.
Once performed, the osteotomy is fixed with two titanium screws or with staples. In both cases, the fastening material is buried in the bone and does not require removal in a second step. After such an osteotomy, immobilization of the foot in a removable plastered boot is necessary for a period of six weeks. During the first two weeks after the operation, any load on the foot is prohibited. Movements are made using two sticks. From the 3rd week, a load of 15 kg is authorized. The advantage of the osteotomy is to be able to correct a deformity without having to block a joint. This is however only possible if the joint does not have osteoarthritis. In this case, arthrodesis will most likely be performed.